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TOP 5 Interior Designers in Sarasota Florida

Migliore Interior Designers in Sarasota Florida - June 2024

Chic on the Cheap

We are NOT about anything that has to do with CHEAP or doing things cheaply. What we ARE about is spending money WISELY. When most firms charge you a mark-up (whether you know it or not) on every purchase you make (ie. contractor, electrician, plumbers, wallpaper hangers, wallpaper, fabrics, window treatments, and so on and so forth), we do NOT.
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Trinity Construction and Design

Trinity Construction & Design was started by Michael and Brittany Cocozza in 2010. Michael grew up in construction working for his father and Brittany attended Ringling School of Art and Design. Merging their collective talents and experience the two of them have teamed up in marriage, business and parenthood.
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Linda Spry Interior Design

Linda Spry is a trusted and respected professional interior designer with offices in Sarasota, Florida. Linda applies her home decorating talents and strong management skills to create an award winning interior design business. Linda is a member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), Allied Member since 1997.
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BLU Interiors: Chelsea Dunbar

BLU interiors is a well-recognized, full-service interior design group founded by Chelsea Dunbar in 2010. We are formally educated designers specializing in comprehensive interior detailing and space planning for both residential and commercial projects throughout the Southeast. We are committed to delivering successful projects on time and on budget.
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Tracey Rapisardi Design

Tracey Rapisardi is a nationally and internationally published Interior Designer. Her projects have been featured and have graced covers in over 50 publications including magazines and books such as Coastal Living, Cottage Style, Better Homes and Gardens, Traditional Home, Decorating, Romantic Homes, Cottage and Bungalows, Seaside Style, Beach Style, Sunset, and many more. Tracey has styled for countless companies and publications all over the world.
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